Last Updated: January 25, 2025 01:15 (EST)
Top Player for 01-25-2025 is AJS24 with 143.96% points increase.
Top Fighter for 01-25-2025 is Dinamo with 1,882 battles.
World Statistics |
Active Players |
1,107 |
Active Fighters |
918 |
Players above 1,000,000 pts |
2,033 |
Players above 100,000 pts |
3,254 |
Players above 5,000 pts |
5,078 |
Players above 10,000 fights |
1,045 |
Players above 1,000 fights |
2,179 |
Players above 100 fights |
3,808 |
Players without a Guild |
1,681 |
Inactive Players |
3,948 |
Top 10 Players |
The LorDe | 3,772,847,796 |
jony 21 | 3,345,034,692 |
Marechal Baraona | 3,249,790,996 |
Arq. Jorge | 3,213,847,872 |
Hajah | 3,203,243,933 |
Sr Ferrão | 2,733,631,092 |
Sunny | 2,541,022,712 |
Nortenho77 | 2,411,704,676 |
ruit00 | 2,321,183,825 |
ricardo 1973 | 2,274,257,445 |
Top 10 Guilds (By Prestige) |
LȺ ŠQŮȺƉɌȺ | 56,978 |
Tribo Nagach | 56,626 |
◾️◾️ANTIVÍRUS.◾️◾️ | 28,624 |
IMPÉRIUM | 28,620 |
Ladies and Gentlemen | 22,907 |
🔥NORTHERN FAMILY🔥 | 22,839 |
Portus Kallis | 22,083 |
🛡⚔️ALPHIES⚔️🛡 | 20,970 |
Stormfighters | 20,725 |
⚔️ SPARTANS ⚔️ | 20,656 |
Top 10 Guilds (by Member Points) |
⚔️ SPARTANS ⚔️ | 55,652,947,955 |
🛡⚔️ALPHIES⚔️🛡 | 38,025,791,996 |
◾️◾️ANTIVÍRUS.◾️◾️ | 19,981,408,616 |
LȺ ŠQŮȺƉɌȺ | 13,355,737,290 |
Portus Kallis | 11,207,169,673 |
Tribo Nagach | 7,763,826,140 |
Ladies and Gentlemen | 5,582,519,292 |
IMPÉRIUM | 4,786,670,306 |
BYZANTINE | 4,759,934,477 |
THE SPARTANS ACADEMY | 4,697,164,543 |
Top 10 Guilds (by Battles) |
⚔️ SPARTANS ⚔️ | 15,657,875 |
🛡⚔️ALPHIES⚔️🛡 | 11,202,755 |
◾️◾️ANTIVÍRUS.◾️◾️ | 6,250,926 |
Portus Kallis | 4,571,822 |
LȺ ŠQŮȺƉɌȺ | 4,202,619 |
Tribo Nagach | 2,890,916 |
Ladies and Gentlemen | 2,797,698 |
BYZANTINE | 1,832,655 |
IMPÉRIUM | 1,698,197 |
A Quinta | 1,574,993 |