Last Updated: January 20, 2025 07:20 (EST)
Top Player for 01-20-2025 is Amelie with 58.69% points increase.
Top Fighter for 01-20-2025 is tacarne with 2,687 battles.
World Statistics |
Active Players |
4,029 |
Active Fighters |
3,082 |
Players above 1,000,000 pts |
9,750 |
Players above 100,000 pts |
14,362 |
Players above 5,000 pts |
19,570 |
Players above 10,000 fights |
4,377 |
Players above 1,000 fights |
9,373 |
Players above 100 fights |
15,363 |
Players without a Guild |
6,865 |
Inactive Players |
15,400 |
Top 10 Players |
titou45160 | 9,495,784,383 |
tacarne | 9,020,622,691 |
noubix | 6,469,148,176 |
Micka-2.0 | 5,707,261,231 |
Barryl | 5,472,350,183 |
Goratric | 5,385,810,446 |
lusk78 | 4,986,418,194 |
BlitZtheCat | 4,958,299,013 |
Rorozino. | 4,902,575,371 |
Hanzo Hattori | 4,773,710,199 |
Top 10 Guilds (By Prestige) |
👢 Les bottilles 👢 | 48,935 |
Ladies and Gentlemen | 43,298 |
Les Larmes Noires | 35,465 |
Les Légions de Vénus | 35,425 |
Antre Aide | 35,369 |
☆Près des Etoiles☆ | 33,449 |
Yakici-konébien | 32,580 |
🏰 Fondation ✨ | 29,239 |
La 7e compagnie | 23,432 |
***The Warriors*** | 21,451 |
Top 10 Guilds (by Member Points) |
Ladies and Gentlemen | 137,571,664,411 |
Grobland | 93,459,646,783 |
OUP'S... | 86,610,331,030 |
👢 Les bottilles 👢 | 55,534,206,828 |
Asgard | 48,721,477,341 |
Yakici-konébien | 43,757,467,701 |
☆Près des Etoiles☆ | 28,303,902,926 |
Les Légions de Vénus | 27,901,219,901 |
🏰 Fondation ✨ | 25,254,635,693 |
PANDORA | 19,111,962,538 |
Top 10 Guilds (by Battles) |
Ladies and Gentlemen | 33,052,634 |
OUP'S... | 23,804,845 |
Grobland | 23,730,242 |
👢 Les bottilles 👢 | 13,916,631 |
Yakici-konébien | 12,969,156 |
Asgard | 12,903,273 |
☆Près des Etoiles☆ | 9,857,581 |
Les Légions de Vénus | 9,072,908 |
🏰 Fondation ✨ | 7,810,070 |
Antre Aide | 5,794,259 |