Last Updated: January 20, 2025 07:20 (EST)
Top Player for 01-20-2025 is Nivek MCMVI with 98.45% points increase.
Top Fighter for 01-20-2025 is alain de loin with 2,303 battles.
World Statistics |
Active Players |
5,374 |
Active Fighters |
4,019 |
Players above 1,000,000 pts |
12,212 |
Players above 100,000 pts |
18,075 |
Players above 5,000 pts |
24,458 |
Players above 10,000 fights |
5,215 |
Players above 1,000 fights |
11,804 |
Players above 100 fights |
19,341 |
Players without a Guild |
7,786 |
Inactive Players |
18,906 |
Top 10 Players |
PhénixRed | 6,839,907,637 |
wolverine... | 5,891,281,454 |
AFFREUX JOJO 27 | 5,387,028,455 |
De Noura | 5,313,480,445 |
gribouille | 4,918,012,686 |
LIBERTAD | 4,682,817,719 |
deathdealer | 4,641,555,277 |
Polatouchelaineux974 | 4,634,957,663 |
The Doye | 4,617,331,553 |
Gaius 300 | 4,615,667,460 |
Top 10 Guilds (By Prestige) |
🐳Sea shepherd 🐬 | 49,106 |
⚔️ VALH 1023 ⚔️ | 37,781 |
les Cités Unies | 33,203 |
🔪Wraith💀 | 33,177 |
🗡️ HIGHLANDERS 🗡️ | 27,828 |
🚢Christophe Colomb | 25,803 |
Itaque Night Kings | 25,062 |
🌴🌴L’île déserte... | 23,258 |
Partageons🤝 | 22,405 |
🐉 Dragon d'Horus 🐉 | 22,095 |
Top 10 Guilds (by Member Points) |
⚔️ VALH 1023 ⚔️ | 103,306,625,315 |
Itaque Night Kings | 89,550,157,672 |
🐳Sea shepherd 🐬 | 88,815,015,527 |
les Cités Unies | 66,728,104,504 |
🔱☠101 Pirates☠🔱 | 58,393,297,612 |
🔪Wraith💀 | 54,165,405,454 |
Bons Potes H | 35,828,549,026 |
🐉 Mandalorians 🐉 | 29,659,437,676 |
LA GUILDE D'ATTILA | 22,498,741,885 |
🐶Mazikeens 777🐶 | 21,556,120,392 |
Top 10 Guilds (by Battles) |
⚔️ VALH 1023 ⚔️ | 25,857,087 |
🐳Sea shepherd 🐬 | 23,254,249 |
Itaque Night Kings | 22,909,677 |
les Cités Unies | 18,857,437 |
🔱☠101 Pirates☠🔱 | 17,132,175 |
🔪Wraith💀 | 14,201,518 |
Bons Potes H | 9,815,889 |
🐉 Mandalorians 🐉 | 9,258,771 |
La Planète bleue | 5,654,305 |
LA GUILDE D'ATTILA | 5,401,119 |